UNIMAL Open Conference System

Malikussaleh International Conference on Health and Disaster Medicine (MICOHEDMED)

We are pleased to announce the Malikussaleh International Conference of Health and Disaster Medicine (MICOHEDMED) 2024.

The biannual conference conducted by faculty of medicine Malikussaleh University, Indonesia, will be held online on the 17th-19th September 2024.


Topic of interest covers, but not limited to disaster medicine, health from preclinical, translational and clinical aspect, and interdisciplinary approaches in coping the health problem and disaster medicine.

Indexing Internationally Reputable; Nara J (https://narraj.org) Indexed International Journal SCOPUS (Q2; SJR 0.97), DOAJ, Pubmed, Proquest, SINTA (Sinta 1) etc

Important date:
Deadline for paper submission: September 10, 2024

Early bid registration closed July 14, 2024

Regular bid registration closed September 10, 2024

Please prepare your best manuscript and follow the guideline. Complete manuscript will be submitted ONLINE.

All of papers will be reviewed by our experienced team of editorial board and will do blind peer review of every research paper to maintain quality standard of every article.

Register now at
Paper submission guideline

Looking forward to your submission The organizing and scientific committee of MICOHEDMED 2024
Contact person:
Phone :
+62 822-240-15-428 (dr. Tischa)
+62 82213200972 (Wheny)



Malikussaleh University Faculty of Medicine
Main Campus of Universitas Malikussaleh
Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh, Cot Tengku Nie, Reuleut
North Aceh District, Aceh, Indonesia


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International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering (ICoMDEn)

ICOMDEN 2024 is an interdisciplinary conference on Engineering. This academic event serves as platform for lecturers, researchers, decision makers and businessmen tao share ideas on development of science and technology to enhance prosperity and Asustainability. It covers wide spectrum topics of engineering ranging from information technology, architecture, civil engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and many more. This conference was carried out under the mission to provide opportunities for work and professional collaboration of research as well as publications of new and developed research in vast elds of engineering.

ICOMDEN 2024 will be carried out on Oktober 2024 in Lhokseumawe - Aceh, Indonesia. Papers / abstracts in the elds of Renewable Energy, Processing of Natural Resources, Oleo-chemical/ Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering Reaction, Safety and Environmental Technology, Waste Treatment, Hazardous Waste Treatment, Bio-processing/Biotechnology, Energy Applications, Control & Simulation, Environmental Designs and Development, Construction & Manufacturing, Nanotechnology and smart materials, Metallurgy, Cloud & Smart Computing, Data Mining and Information Filtering, Networking, Islamic Architecture, Science & Technology Architecture, Urban & Landscape Architecture, System Engineering Transport, Built Environment. All abstracts/papers should conform to the required format and be uploaded on the website. Submission should pass the double blind paper review in order to be presented in the conference.

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SENASTIKA (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Teknik Informatika)

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Informatika adalah sebuah acara akademik yang diadakan dengan tujuan untuk membahas, memperkenalkan, dan berbagi pengetahuan terkini tentang perkembangan teknologi informasi dan informatika. Acara ini dihadiri oleh para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan mahasiswa dari berbagai institusi dan latar belakang di bidang teknologi informasi dan komputer.

Tujuan utama dari seminar nasional ini adalah:

1. Memperkenalkan Terobosan Terbaru: Menyajikan berbagai penemuan terbaru, tren, dan terobosan dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan informatika. Para peserta akan mendapatkan wawasan tentang perkembangan mutakhir dalam teknologi dan aplikasinya di berbagai sektor.

2. Mengupas Tantangan dan Solusi: Seminar ini menjadi wadah untuk mengidentifikasi dan membahas tantangan yang dihadapi dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan informatika. Para pemateri akan berbagi solusi dan pendekatan terbaik dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut.

3. Meningkatkan Keterampilan dan Pengetahuan: Para peserta akan mendapatkan manfaat berharga dalam bentuk peningkatan keterampilan dan pengetahuan melalui paparan topik-topik teknis dan aplikatif dalam bidang IT dan informatika.

4. Membangun Jaringan dan Kolaborasi: Seminar ini menjadi kesempatan bagi peserta untuk berinteraksi, berdiskusi, dan membangun jejaring dengan para ahli, rekan sejawat, dan profesional di bidang teknologi informasi.

5. Menyajikan Inovasi dan Riset Terkini: Peserta akan dihadapkan pada presentasi riset dan inovasi terbaru dari berbagai lembaga dan institusi, sehingga dapat menginspirasi pengembangan ide-ide baru dan kolaborasi di masa depan. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Informatika merupakan forum yang penting bagi para pelaku dan pemerhati teknologi untuk terus berkembang, berbagi pengalaman, serta berkontribusi dalam memajukan bidang teknologi informasi dan informatika di tingkat nasional maupun global.

Contact Info:

Sujacka Retno, S.T., M.Kom
Jurusan Informatika
Universitas Malikussaleh

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Malikussaleh International Conference On Education Social Humanities And Innovation

MICeshi 2023 is a conference that promotes cooperation and collaboration among Universitas Malikusaleh, Universitas Al-Muslim, other Indonesian universities, and countries worldwide. The conference, themed “Institutional Transformation in Enhancing Human Resources through Education on Disruptive Technology in the Era 5.0″ Aims to promote idea exchange and interdisciplinary collaboration to solve today’s complex global issues.

Collaboration can yield numerous benefits, such as expanded funding opportunities, access to shared resources, and exclusive research data at Universitas Malikusaleh’s Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, we partner with the University of Al-Muslim at Bireun, Aceh, Indonesia, to undertake diverse research and community service initiatives.

Appreciation to its innovative hybrid format, this conference offers attendees the flexibility of choosing between online and in-person participation options. The first leg of the conference is scheduled for October 11-12, 2023, and will be hosted at Malikusaleh University. The second leg of the conference, which will take place on July 25-26, 2024, offers both online and in-person attendance options and will be held at AlMuslim University in Bireun Aceh.



Contact Info:

Fatma : 0812 6980 3666
Fina Mailinar : 0822 1756 7074
Nurul Afni Sinaga: 0813 6101 2615
Fitri Ayu Ningtiyas: 0813 7276 2803

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Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri


Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri adalah sebuah acara konferensi yang mengumpulkan para ahli, peneliti, dan praktisi dalam bidang Teknik Industri untuk berbagi pengetahuan, hasil penelitian terbaru, dan pengalaman praktis. Acara semacam ini biasanya membahas berbagai topik terkait industri, seperti manajemen produksi, teknologi, efisiensi operasional, keberlanjutan, dan inovasi dalam bidang teknik industri.




Contact Info:

Universitas Malikussaleh
Phone: +6281271161224
Email: bakhtiar@unimal.ac.id


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Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (Senastesia)

Senastesia merupakan seminar nasional tahunan yang diadakan oleh Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Malikussaleh yang bertujuan untuk menghimpun seluruh akademisi dan praktisi  dari berbagai entitas dengan latar belakang keahlian Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur. Pembangunan infrastruktur tentu sangat diperlukan untuk mempercepat putaran roda ekonomi, namun, pembangunan tersebut harus memperhatikan potensi bencana yang mungkin terjadi. Pembangunan insfrastuktur yang terus menerus dan berwawasan lingkungan berjalan tidak lepas dari sebuah proses konstruksi yang dapat menimbulkaan dampak positif dan dampak negatif dengan mengedepankan konsep green infrastructure merupakan fokus utama dalam kota yang berkelanjutan di masa yang akan dating. Dampak positif dari sebuah proses konstruksi adalah fungsi bangunan sedangkan dampak negatif dari proses konstruksi adalah kerusakan lingkungan.





Contact Info:

Prof. Dr. Ir. Wesli, MT
Universitas Malikussaleh

Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Malikussaleh
Main Campus of Universitas Malikussaleh
Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh, Cot Tengku Nie, Reuleut
North Aceh District, Aceh, Indonesia

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International Conference on Finance Economics and Business (ICOFEB)

The International Conference on Finance Economics and Business (ICOFEB) with the theme "Integrating Climate Change and Sustainable Practices in Economics, Finance, and Management" is a prestigious academic event that brings together scholars, researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from around the world. The conference aims to provide a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and insights on various aspects of finance, economics, and business, focusing on the integration of sustainable practices and addressing the challenges posed by climate change.











Contact Info:

Dr. Ahmad Fauzul Hakim Hasibuan
Email: fauzulhakim@unimal.ac.id
Phone: +62852 9673 7331

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Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS)

MICoMS on Science and Engineering is dedicated to provide a common platform for sharing the progress on theories and practices for all stakeholders including academician, industry, researcher, government, and businessman. This conference aims to reinforce multidiscipline perspectives towards sustainable growth in economic and quality of life. The conference is hosted by University of Malikussaleh and organised by Institute of Research and Community Service.  This conference is supported by IndoMS-Aceh Sumut and Government of Aceh Utara.

Topics of interest include all theoretical aspects of Civil and Structural Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Chemical Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information Systems, Medical and Health Science, Physical Science, Geology, Mathematical Science, Soil Science, Agroecotechnology, Food Security and Livelihoods, Marine Science, Irrigation Science and Environmental Science. We welcome academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers to present their papers in the conference, and to discuss and share their expertise, new ideas, experiences, research findings, and  practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted during their work and study.

Contact Info:
Deassy Sisca
Email: micoms@unimal.ac.id


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Malikussaleh International Conference On Law, Legal Studies And Social Science (MICoLLS)

According to the Global Islamic Economy Report 2019/2020, Indonesia occupies the 5th position in the development of the halal industry. This is in sharp contrast with Indonesia's condition as one of the countries with the largest Muslim population which should have great potential and opportunity in the development of the halal industry. This is a challenge for Indonesia in developing quality and quantity in the industry. Based on the facts that occurred, there were various obstacles both external and internal in the development of the halal industry mission.










Contact Info:

Muammar, M.H.
Phone: +6281285304019
Email: muammar.30@unimal.ac.id

Faculty of Law
Universitas Malikussaleh

Main Campus of Universitas Malikussaleh
Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh, Cot Tengku Nie, Reuleut
North Aceh District, Aceh, Indonesia

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International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) FISIPOL

Welcome to the 4th International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) 2023 organized by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh. With the theme Toward Peace And Sustainable Development: Local, National, And International Issues”, this conference will bring together the academics, researchers, scientists, students and stakeholders from the diverse background of expertise and from different countries, to present, share and address the issues in politics, law, education, and other field of social sciences.


Contact Info:

Prof. Dr. Suadi, SAg, MSi

Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi
FISIP - Universitas Malikussaleh
Blang Pulo, Muara Satu, Lhokseumawe Aceh Indonesia 24355

Universitas Malikussaleh
Phone: +6281263231414
Email: icospolhum.fisip@unimal.ac.id

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2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering (ICoMdEn) 2020

2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering (ICoMdEn) 2020
Advancing Engineering for Human Prosperity and Environment Sustainability
September 15-16, 2020, Lhokseumawe - Aceh, Indonesia
Icomden 2020 is an interdisciplinary conference on Engineering. This academic event serves as platform for lecturers, researchers, decision makers and businessmen to share ideas on development of science and technology to enhance prosperity and sustainability. It covers wide spectrum topics of engineering ranging from information technology, architecture, civil engineering, industrial engineering,electrical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and many more. This conference was carried out under the mission to provide opportunities for work and professional collaboration of research as well as publications of new and developed research in vast fields of engineering.

ICoMdEn 2019 will be carried out on November 12, 2019 in Lhokseumawe - Aceh, Indonesia. Papers / abstracts in the fields of Renewable Energy, Processing of Natural Resources, Oleo-chemical/ Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering Reaction, Safety and Environmental Technology, Waste Treatment, Hazardous Waste Treatment, Bio-processing/Biotechnology, Energy Applications, Control & Simulation, Environmental Designs and Development, Construction & Manufacturing, Nanotechnology and smart materials, Metallurgy, Cloud & Smart Computing, Data Mining and Information Filtering, Networking, Islamic Architecture, Science & Technology Architecture, Urban & Landscape Architecture, System Engineering Transport, Built Environment . All abstracts/papers should conform to the required format and be uploaded on the website. Submission should pass the double blind paper review in order to be presented in the conference.

Contact Person:

Dr. Rozanna Dewi


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International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering (ICoMdEn) 2018

The conference will be held on October, 23th-24th, 2018 in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh, Indonesia, Theme: *ADVANCING ENGINEERING FOR HUMAN PROSPERITY AND ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY.  The Conference is hosted by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh (Unimal).

Keynote Speakers:
1. Ir. Nova Iriansyah, MT (Governor of Aceh Province)      
2. Prof. Sambit Data (School of Built Environment, Curtin University)
3. Prof. Dr. Robiah Yunus (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdul Rahim Matondang, MSIE (University of North Sumatera)
5. Prof. Toru Ihara, Dr (Kindai University) Jepang

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: August, 23th, 2018
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: September, 23th, 2018
Payment Confirmation & Registration Deadline : September, 23th, 2018
*Camera ready Deadline: * September, 30th, 2018
Conference schedule: : on 23-24 October 2018

All Reseachers, Lecturers/Academics and Professionals are invited to submit their full papers. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by two independent peer reviewers.  All Accepted and Presented papers will be published in SCOPUS Indexed Proceeding.

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Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS 2019)

Welcome to MICoMS

The theme of our conference is ‘Empowering Agrotechnology to Accelerate Prosperity’.

MICoMS 2019 on Science and Engineering is dedicated to provide a common platform for sharing the progress on theories and practices for all stakeholders including academician, industry, researcher, government, and businessman. This 2019 conference aims to reinforce multidiscipline perspectives towards sustainable growth in economic and quality of life. It will be held on 26-28 November 2019 at Academic Centre of Cunda, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. The conference is hosted by University of Malikussaleh and organised by Institute of Research and Community Service.  This conference is supported by IndoMS-Aceh Sumut and Government of Aceh Utara.

Topics of interest include all theoretical aspects of Social Sciences and Modern Trends; Renewable Energy; Electronics, Electrical & Telecommunication; Business and Entrepreneurship; Management; Economic and Development; Accounting, Finance and Banking; Technology and Information System; Communication and Multimedia; Art and Design; Humanities; Philosophy; Government, Politics and Law; Tourism, Wellness and Hospitality; Environment Management; Islamic Architecture; Education and Language; Psychology and Counseling; Plant Science (Agronomy, Plant breeding, Biotechnology, Integrated Pest Management and Soil Science); Agricultural Economics; Animal Science; Food Science and Food Technology; Agricultural Engineering; Marine and Fisheries Science; Environment Management.

We welcome academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers to present their papers in the conference, and to discuss and share their expertise, new ideas, experiences, research findings, and  practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted during their work and study.

Contact Info:
Organizing Committee of Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS 2019)
Email: micoms@unimal.ac.id

The Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS 2019) organized by Institute of Research and Community Service.

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Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia

Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia-2, 2018 (SNTK-2)
Tema :

Inovasi Teknologi Proses dan Produk Ramah Lingkungan Berbasis SDA dan Kearifan Lokal

Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia (SNTK 2) adalah seminar yg kedua kali dilaksanakan di jurusan teknik kimia. Seminar ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan riset dan publikasi ilmiah para akademisi lokal dan nasional yg bergelut di bidang sains dan teknologi serta penelitian unggulan seperti produk inovasi ramah lingkungan. Perkembangan riset yang terus meningkat perlu di publikasi dalam simposium maupun seminar ilmiah. Untuk itu SNTK mengambil peran dalam melaksanakan seminar dan publikasi karya ilmiah ke dalam proseding maupun jurnal nasional terakreditasi.

Contact Person :

DR. Zulnazri
Email: zulnazri@unimal.ac.id




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Malikussaleh International Conference on Social Science and Humanities Development (MICoSH) 2018

Malikussaleh International Conference on Social Science and Humanities Development (MICoSH) 2018 is dedicated to provide a common platform for sharing the progress on theories and practices for all stakeholders including academician, industry, researcher, government, and businessman.





Contact Person:
micosh committe
Email: micosh@unimal.ac.id

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Malikussaleh International Conference on Engineering, Medical, and Information Sciences (MICoEMIS) 2018

Malikussaleh International Conference on Engineering, Medical, and Information Sciences (MICoEMIS) 2018 is dedicated to provide a common platform for sharing the progress on theories and practices for all stakeholders including academician, industry, researcher, government, and businessman. This 2018 conference aims to reinforce engineering, medical and information sciences perspectives towards sustainable growth in quality of life. It will be held on 18-19 September 2018 at Rajawali Hotel,Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. The conference is hosted by University of Malikussaleh and organised by Institute of Research and Community Service. This conference is supported by IndoMS-Aceh Sumut and Government of Aceh Utara.


Micoemis Committee

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