UNIMAL Open Conference System, 2nd International Conference on Finance Economics and Business (ICOFEB)

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Consumer Perceptions of Interest In Buying Used Clothing In The Surakarta Area
Nadya Noviyanti Fauzan

Last modified: 2023-11-13


This study aims to analyze the relationship between product appearance and status consumption on hedonic attitudes that affect purchase intentions. The population and sample in this study were people in the Surakarta area who had bought used clothing. The technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique, besides that this research is quantitative research using primary data obtained through questionnaires and distributed to 202 respondents. Hypothesis testing in this study used SEM-PLS analysis tools. This study found that product appearance and status consumption have a significant effect on hedonic attitudes. And also hedonic attitude has a significant effect on purchase intention. This finding shows that there is pride from respondents when using imported used clothing because there is a perception of increased social status from respondents for wearing branded imported clothing, even though it is used clothing. Recommendations for future research include the selling price of used clothing as a mediating variable. This study has several limitations, namely the characteristics of respondents were not used to distinguish variations in responses from respondents in this study.


product appearance, status consumption, hedonic attitude, purchase intentions.