UNIMAL Open Conference System, 2nd International Conference on Finance Economics and Business (ICOFEB)

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The Impact of Implementation Social Media Marketing On Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Aceh Province
agustinawati agustinawati

Last modified: 2024-01-14


The existence of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Aceh plays a very important role in absorbing labor and community income. Entrepreneurs must be able to utilize technology for the purpose of increasing sales and income. The increasing number of entrepreneurs creates challenges for SMEs to gain a strong market share. Young entrepreneurs have more knowledge in using the internet and other digital technologies. This is a great opportunity in efforts to sell products to the market. Social media marketing is a marketing tool that is widely used by small and medium business entrepreneurs for marketing purposes using the internet media whatsApp and facebook. The results of this research show that entrepreneurs who implement marketing through social media have a positive impact and influence on business. This can be seen from the increasing number of consumers with brand awareness, increasing the number of new consumers and cost efficiency for promotions and increasing product sales.

Keywords: entrepreneur, small and medium enterprises, social media marketing


entrepreneur, small and medium enterprises, social media marketing