UNIMAL Open Conference System, 1st Malikussaleh International Conference On Education Social Humanities And Innovation

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Teaching Autonomous Learning in Increasing Reading Comprehension Achievement
Andi Suwarni

Last modified: 2023-10-10


The aims of the study are: (1) to find out whether autonomous learning techniques improve the reading comprehension of the ninth grade students in SMP Negeri 6 Watampone. (2) To find out if autonomous learning is interesting for her ninth grade students in SMP Negeri 6 Watampone.

In conducting the study, the writer used quantitative method because the writer conducted the data in form of numbers. And the way collected data by using pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test and questionnaire. These were used to measure and interpret the data and also to know the interest of students.

The result of the test was obtained to prove the hypothesis and to establish the validity, the writer analyzed the value of t-observation. It was proved by the result of students’ test. The table showed that the mean score obtained by the students in the post-test (7.42) was greater than the mean score of the students in pre-test (2). Besides, the data score of students’ interest which were taken using questionnaire showed that most of them agree with the statement that Autonomous Learning Technique give them more benefits than weaknesses. It means that the students have high anxiety in this technique. Autonomous Learning Technique gave better result to increase the students’ reading comprehension achievement. In other words, Autonomous learning technique is effective and interesting to be used in teaching reading.


autonomous, learning, reading