UNIMAL Open Conference System, 2nd International Conference on Finance Economics and Business (ICOFEB)

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Analysis of energy poverty across sectors in Indonesia
Safira Nurul Lita, Jariah Abu Bakar

Last modified: 2024-01-25


Analysis of energy poverty across sectors in Indonesia

Safira Nurul Lita1, Jariah Abu Bakar2

1Economic Development, Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

2Economic Development, Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author. Email: Jariah@unimal.ac.id


This study was conducted to analyze the influence of the household sector, transportation sector and other sectors on energy poverty in Indonesia. This study uses time series data from 1970-2022 using the ARDL model. The results showed that the household sector variable in the short term has a positive and significant influence on energy poverty. While in the long term also has a positive influence and followed by a significant level. The transportation sector variable has a negative influence and is followed by a significant level of energy poverty in the short and long term. Other sector variables in the short and long term have no effect on energy poverty in Indonesia.


Keyword : Energy Poverty, Household sector, transportation sector, other sectors



Energy Poverty, Household sector, transportation sector, other sectors