UNIMAL Open Conference System, 2nd International Conference on Finance Economics and Business (ICOFEB)

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The Influence of Hedonic Shopping Motivation on Impulsive Buying Behavior on Instagram (A Case Study of Malikussaleh University Female Students)
Bunda Safriani, Jullimursyida Jullimursyida, Siti Maimunah, T. Edyansyah

Last modified: 2023-11-17


Instagram, a popular social media platform, is widely used by Indonesian consumers for online shopping as many online stores sell and promote their products on Instagram despite the absence of a payment method to ensure consumer safety. Online shopping on Instagram is experiencing increasing sales every year, according to a survey, which also reveals that Indonesian consumers on Instagram often buy unexpected products. This study examines the impact of hedonic Shopping motivation on impulsive buying on Instagram. The dimension of hedonic Shopping motivation is formulated based on the reasons for impulsive buying identified in the study by Arnold and Reynolds (2003), which include value shopping, adventure shopping, idea shopping, social shopping, role shopping, and relaxation shopping. The sampling technique employed is non-probability sampling, with a specific method using purposive sampling, and the sample size comprises 100 respondents who are active Instagram users and have previously shopped on Instagram. Data analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS version 27 software. The study results indicate that adventure shopping and relaxation shopping positively and significantly affects impulsive buying by Malikussaleh University students on Instagram. Meanwhile, value shopping, ideas shopping, social shopping, and role shopping do not significantly influence impulsive buying by Malikussaleh University students on Instagram.


Impulsive Buying, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Instagram.