Call for Papers


Dear Researchers/Professors/Lecturers/Scholar.,

We are pleased to announce The 1st Malikussaleh International Conference on Psychology and Multidisciplinary Behavioral Studies (MICP-MBS) 2024.

The biannual conference conducted by Psychology Department of Medicine Faculty, Malikussaleh University, Indonesia, will be held online on the October 2nd to 3rd, 2024

The theme of MICP-MBS 2024 is “Psychological Resilience Across Disciplines: Strengthening Mental Health and Community Wellbeing in the Face of Disasters”

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following fields: Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Religious and Spiritual Psychology, as well as Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies. These areas represent the broad scope of the conference and aim to foster discussions across various psychological disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches.

All accepted articles will be published in the MICP-MBS 2024 Proceedings, except for selected articles that will be directed for publication in the Journal of Health and Social Sciences (Scopus Q2 indexed), Psikohumaniora: Journal of Psychological Research (Scopus Q4 indexed), and Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi (JPT). The publication of these selected articles will be subject to the authors' approval and will adhere to the terms and conditions of each respective journal.

Important date:

• Abstract Submission Deadline: September 25, 2024

• Abstract Acceptance: September 16-28, 2024

•Full Paper Submission : October 11, 2024

•Full Paper Acceptance : September 23 - October 29, 2024

•Virtual Conference : October 2-3, 2024

Please prepare your best manuscript and follow the guideline. Complete manuscript will be submitted ONLINE.

All of papers will be reviewed by our experienced team of editorial board and will do blind peer review of every research paper to maintain quality standard of every article.

Please prepare your best manuscript and follow the provided guidelines. To register as a presenter or participant, please use the following link:

All prospective presenters are required to upload an abstract. After the review process, the committee will promptly notify you whether your abstract has been accepted or not. If accepted, you will be requested to upload the full paper through the OCS system at the following link:

Complete manuscripts must be submitted ONLINE through the OCS system.

Register now at

Looking forward to your submission The organizing and scientific committee of The 1st International Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Studies (2024)

Contact person:

Phone :
Hafnidar (+62 813 1423 7513)
Widi Astuti (+62 821 6610 1916)
M. Fikri (+62 813-7084-0061)

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The manuscript should be written in Indonesian and never published, may a research, case study, or literary study. All received cases should receive attention on difficult, unique, and rare cases with problem-solving that is very important to publish, should be written in the form of articles and not reports. It will be told not points.

The author should register as an author in this link;, to submit and upload manuscripts. The author of the manuscript is liable for the contents of the published manuscripts.

Submitted manuscript and illustration legally belong to the publisher and should not be published in other media without official permission of the publisher.
The title should be no more than 16 words, describing the entire contents of the writing, the letters typed in Times New Roman font 14 bold capital. The title comes with the author's name, author's institution, address, and corresponding official email address typed in the Times New Roman 11 font.

Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English (with a title), maximum of 200 words accompanied by 4-6 keywords, typed in Times New Roman font 10, made in one paragraph without subtitles consisting of background, objectives, research methods, results, conclusions.

The subtitle is composed of Introduction (consisting of background, problem formulation, literature review and objectives written in one chapter without subtitles), Research Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (consisting of conclusions and suggestions, in one paragraph or more, not in the form of points) References.

The research should be narrated in text instead of in points. Figures should be mentioned in the related text rather than as an attachment.
The manuscript is typed in Times New Roman font 12 of single space A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm), should include a reference up to 10-15 pages. The images should be in JPEG format and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), the tables should be included in the body of the text rather than as an attachment Figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and table titles and briefed information of the table written in Times New Roman of 11 font with single space.

Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Step one of the submission process

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.