Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Analysis The Impact of The Coastal Protection Construction Development Plan On Shoreline and Estuary Changes PDF
Teuku Mudi Hafli, Fasdarsyah Fasdarsyah, Ninda Nidya Mumtaz, David Sarana, Syibral Malasyi
Implementation of Sexual Violence Reporting System Services (SIPORAS) as an Implementation of Permendikbud No. 30 of 2021 at Universitas Malikussaleh PDF
Yesy Afrillia, Khalsiah Khalsiah, Rizky Putra Fhonna, Gilang Ramadhan, Andra Munandar
Indoor Thermal Comfort Improvement of the Naturally Ventilated House in Tropical Climate, Indonesia
Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Dastur, Muhammad Fikry
Study of Women's Space in Bagas Godang In the Village of Wek II Batang Toru South Tapanuli PDF
Sandra Oktavia Skb, Cut Azmah Fithri, Yenny Novianti, Erna Muliana
Model of Good School Governance PDF
Fajriana Fajriana, Siraj Siraj
Perceptions Of Transferrable Skills Of Chemistry Teacher Candidates In The Utilization Of Learning ICT
Ratna Unaida, Isna Rezkia Lukman, Fakhrah Fakhrah
The Effects of Processing Time and Temperature on the Characteristics of Candlenut Oil using the Rendering Process Method
Sulhatun Sulhatun, Suryati Suryati, Nurul Syawal, Nurul Fadila
Optimizing Multi-Time Notifications Using Q-Learning
Muhammad Fikry, Muhammad Iqbal
Analysis of Recycled HDPE Composite with OPEFB-Based Cellulose Fiber Reinforcement Characteristics for Cassing Electronic Materials
zulnazri - zulnazri, Rozanna Dewi, Novi Sylvia, Agam Muarif, Syariful Maliki, Ahmad Fikri
Pelatihan E-Commerce Bagi Wirausahawan Muda di Desa Blang Pulo PDF
Julli Mursyida, Mawardati Mawardati, Meutia Rahma, Muhammad Fajar, Muhammad Akbar
Science Teachers Perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in Urban Area
Safriana Safriana, Ade Irfan, Zahratul Fitri

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