Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Implementation of Sexual Violence Reporting System Services (SIPORAS) as an Implementation of Permendikbud No. 30 of 2021 at Universitas Malikussaleh PDF
Yesy Afrillia, Khalsiah Khalsiah, Rizky Putra Fhonna, Gilang Ramadhan, Andra Munandar
Feasibility Analysis of Biodiesel Plant Development Model in Aceh Province
Khalsiah Khalsiah, Rozanna Dewi, Yesi Afrilia, Gilang Ramadhan, Muzaffar Rigayatsyah
The Role of Women in Increasing Oil Palm Production in Aceh Province PDF
Mawardati Mawardati, Rozanna Dewi, Khalsiah Khalsiah, Yesy Afriliia, Gilang Ramadhan, Andra Munandar
The Roles Of Living Place Environment and Comorbidities Status on The Incidence of COVID-19: a study at health care facility of Lampung University
Latifah Widya Ningrum, Evi Kurniawaty, Khairun Nisa Berawi, Bainah Sari Dewi, Asep Sukohar, Samsul Bakri
IMPROVEMENT REVIEW OF ROAD NETWORK CONNECTIVITY (Case Study: Transport Infrastructure Lueng Daneun - Awe Geutah) PDF
Suriadi Syahputra, Adi Napangala, Radiansyah Radiansyah, Sahrial Sahrial, Beni Maidika, Nura Usrina, Khairullah Khairullah
Rainfall Prediction Due to The Madden Julian Oscillation Factor at The Equator
Joko Wiratmo, Firda Kusfirdianti
Description of Mercury Poison Clinical Symptoms in Workers and Communities Around The Small Scale Gold Processing Area
Lensoni Lensoni, H Kamil, T Karma, Suhendrayatna Suhendrayatna
The Important Roles of Eco-Mychorizae in The Growth of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum ) and Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis L.) That Potentially as Raw Material of Biofuel
Rosnina A.G A.G, Zurrahmi Wirda, Khaidir Khaidir, Muhammad Hadid Al HAfizh, A. Salim
Boosting The Quality of Women's Education in The Ed-Tech Sector in The Digital Economy Era PDF
Khalsiah Khalsiah
Characteristics of smallholder coconut cultivation in North Aceh
Khaidir Khaidir, Usnawiyah Usnawiyah, Muhammad Yusuf Nurdin, Elvira Sari Dewi, Angga Yuda Alfitra, Muhammad Luthfi Pohan, Raihan Zarwa Harahap
Palm Oil and the Dynamics of Community Changes: Lesson Learned From Aceh and West Kalimantan
Subhani Sulaiman, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin, Ratri Candrasari, Awaludin Arifin, Ade Isan Kamil
Biomass Production of Nannochloropsis sp Cultivated in Combination of Vanname Shrimp Culture Wastewater and Photoperiod as Important Step of Biodiesel Production
Rachmawati Rusydi, Eva Ayuzar, Muliani Muliani, Munawwar Khalil

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