UNIMAL Open Conference System, 1st Malikussaleh International Conference On Education Social Humanities And Innovation

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A Review of Digital Assessment in Education: Tools, Feature, and Effectiveness
Riza Andriani

Last modified: 2023-10-07


Technological advances have given rise to various innovations in education, especially in assessing student learning outcomes using tools/software provided by developers for Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. This tool/software functions to help teachers assess student learning outcomes digitally, but each tool has differences in test types, features, ease of access and use, how to operate, costs for use and others. Analysis needs to be carried out on popular software widely used to guide teachers in choosing the tools/software that will be used to assess student learning outcomes digitally. This research aims to provide a critical analysis of what each digital assessment tool in the field of education available on the internet can and cannot do based on the ease of application and completeness of its features. The method used is a systematic literature review of educational websites, Web of Science and Scopus, which mentions digital assessment tools from 2019-2022 with research stages: 1) research question; 2) searching literature; 3) carry out literature criticism using the PRISMA method; and 4) Article structuring. Analysis was carried out on the popularity, users, ease of access, types and forms of tests provided, scoring methods, monitoring test implementation, and practicality in use. From the results of the analysis, it was found that both teachers and researchers often use 12 digital assessment tools in the education sector. The types of tests often used are closed-ended questions; the tester immediately knows the score obtained. Some tools can be monitored during implementation, while others cannot. Further research is recommended to look directly at teacher and student responses to the effectiveness of digital assessment tools widely used in the education sector.


digital assessment, tools, education