UNIMAL Open Conference System, 1st Malikussaleh International Conference On Education Social Humanities And Innovation

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safriana safriana, Ade Irfan, Dwi Iramadhani, zahratul Fitri

Last modified: 2023-10-10


Improving the quality of learning is inseparable from the role of teachers in managing learning, especially in developing learning materials and learning methods, evaluating the results of learning activities, and utilizing feedback on the results of evaluating learning activities. science teacher in junior high school is expected to assist teachers in carrying out learning in the classroom through discussion and exchange of opinions among members as well as curriculum training tailored to teacher needs. However, since the pandemic, the activities of science in junior high school have not run as they should; this has an impact on the quality of learning where currently teachers are unable and have difficulty implementing an independent curriculum in science learning. Thus, this activity aims to empower groups of science teachers who are members of the Science teachers through Lesson Study-based assistance in improving the quality of learning through increasing teacher knowledge about the implementation of the independent curriculum and independent learning platform, as well as increasing teacher creativity in making student diagnostic assessments with the ultimate goal of producing electronic modules of science learning based on the independent curriculum. The output resulting from this service activity is the empowerment of partners through increasing knowledge and skills. Another impact of this mentoring activity is that teachers become more creative and innovative in developing science learning by utilizing information technology.


Lesson Study, Teaching Quality, Science