MICoLLS 2022

Cut Meutia Building, Bukit Indah Lhokseumawe & Reusam Hall,

November 17, 2022 – November 18, 2022

According to the Global Islamic Economy Report 2019/2020, Indonesia occupies the 5th position in the development of the halal industry. This is in sharp contrast with Indonesia's condition as one of the countries with the largest Muslim population which should have great potential and opportunity in the development of the halal industry. This is a challenge for Indonesia in developing quality and quantity in the industry. Based on the facts that occurred, there were various obstacles both external and internal in the development of the halal industry mission.

With regard to prospects and opportunities in the development of the halal industry globally, based on a study it was found that Muslim consumers are the fastest growing group in the world, with a ratio of 1: 4 for Muslims compared to the total world community, therefore with the magnitude of these development opportunities, various integrated policies are needed in boosting economic development and international trade . In Indonesia itself, as stated in the 2019-2024 Indonesian Sharia Economy Master Plan, one of the main strategies that can be taken to realize sharia economic development is to strengthen the halal value chain itself. Therefore, there is a need for synergy between various sectors, both the government as policymakers, the private sector and the community in the development of the halal industry.

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