Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by the editor. It will be evaluated whether it is in accordance with the focus and scope of the this conference. Manuscripts that are not in accordance will be rejected and manuscript is accordance will be checked to identify plagiarism before being reviewed by reviewers.

This conference uses a double-blind review, the manuscript will be sent to 2 anonymous reviewers. The reviewers' comments are also sent anonymously to the authors to take the necessary actions and responses. Revised manuscript decisions will be evaluated by the appropriate editor, based on reviewers' recommendations, that is, rejected, requires major revisions, requires minor revisions, or is accepted.

The editor in this conference has the right to decide which manuscript submitted to the journal for publication. The review process may take approximately one month to be completed. For accepted paper, should authors be requested by the editor to revise the text and minor changes, the revised version should be submitted within 15 days


Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.


Development of Societal Knowledge for a Bright Future of Humankind.

Malikussaleh International Conference on Social Science and Humanities Development (MICoSH) 2018 is dedicated to provide a common platform for sharing the progress on theories and practices for all stakeholders including academician, industry, researcher, government, and businessman. This 2018 conference aims to to reinforce social and humanities perspectives towards sustainable growth in quality of life. It will be held on 18 - 19 September 2018 at Rajawali Hotel, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. The conference is hosted by University of Malikussaleh and organised by Institute of Research and Community Service. This conference is supported by IndoMS-Aceh Sumut and Government of Aceh Utara.

Topics of interest include all theoretical aspects of Theorising on Social Studies, Education, Strategy and Learning Innovation, Politics, Law, Literature. We welcome academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers to present their papers in the conference, and to discuss and share their expertise, new ideas, experiences, research findings, and  practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted during their work and study.

Copyright © 2018 - Malikussaleh International Conference on Social Science and Humanities Development (MICoSH)